Sinaí Sánchez es originaria de Santiago, Nuevo León, México. Nacida en 1994, hija primogénita, se ha dedicado siempre al cuidado y al arte de manera simultánea. Licenciada en Arte Teatral por parte de la UANL, pero principalmente autodidacta; se interesa en explorar los alcances escénicos que tiene el cuerpo, así como sus emociones y sensaciones. Por esta misma inquietud se permite explorar y aorender de múltiples disciplinas, como el performance, la danza, el arte textil, el bordado, costura, dibujo, escritura, entre otros.  

Sinai Sanchez is originally from Santiago, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Born in 1994, first born daughter, she has always been dedicated to care and art simultaneously. She has a degree in Theater Arts from the UANL, but mainly self-taught; she is interested in exploring the scenic scope of the body, as well as its emotions and sensations. For this same concern she allows herself to explore and learn from multiple disciplines, such as performance, dance, textile art, embroidery, sewing, drawing, writing, among others.
Un Trapazo es curada por Mauricio Patrón Rivera, Maru López García y Nabil Yanai. 
Es parte de The Wrong Biennale y se realiza gracias al apoyo del Museum and Exhibition Studies Program de la Universidad de Illinois en Chicago.
Un Trapazo is curated by Mauricio Patrón Rivera, Maru López García y Nabil Yanai. 
 It is part of The Wrong Biennale and its done thanks to the support of the Museum and Exhibition Studies Program at University of Illinois Chicago.