Virginia Ramírez (1995). San Antonio, Chile.

1. Artista visual nacida y criada en una costa al sur del mundo. Un lugar bord(e)ado de mar por un lado y con una costura cordillerana por el otro, colmado de tierra fértil atrapada y repartida entre los bolsillos y la codicia de unos pocos.

2. Investigadora, pensadora  y arqueóloga del territorio de lo doméstico. Territorio sutil, delicado, que está dado por actos, gestos e intentos. Requiere de insistencia, no es perenne, sino que está todo el tiempo rearmándose

3. Escultora doméstica, ha participado y preparado diversas exposiciones que visibilicen y consagren su imaginario

4. Amante del papel y sus posibilidades, publica fanzines porque sí y ¿por qué no?

Virginia Ramírez (1995). San Antonio, Chile.

Visual artist born and raised in a southern coast of the world. A place bordered by the sea on one side and with a mountain range seam on the other, full of fertile land trapped and distributed among the pockets and greed of a few.

Researcher, thinker and archeologist of the territory of the domestic. Subtle, delicate territory, which is given by acts, gestures and attempts. It requires insistence, it is not perennial, but it is always reassembling itself.

3. Domestic sculptor, she has participated and prepared several exhibitions that make visible and consecrate her imaginary.

4. A lover of paper and its possibilities, she publishes fanzines just because and why not?

Un Trapazo es curada por Mauricio Patrón Rivera, Maru López García y Nabil Yanai. 
Es parte de The Wrong Biennale y se realiza gracias al apoyo del Museum and Exhibition Studies Program de la Universidad de Illinois en Chicago.
Un Trapazo is curated by Mauricio Patrón Rivera, Maru López García y Nabil Yanai. 
 It is part of The Wrong Biennale and its done thanks to the support of the Museum and Exhibition Studies Program at University of Illinois Chicago.